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Ik ben 18+ Ik ben nog geen 18 jaar.Cocaine Bandits DVD ~ The documentary 'Cocaine Bandits' shows a horrible way how the drug war has shifted from Colombia to Mexico after Escobar's death. Authentic interviews with active gang members, drug lords, thugs, experts from the FBI, the DEA and the police, as well as writers, reporters and undercover agents try to bring to the audience the brutal and unscrupulous drug world closer.
Cocaine Bandits DVD ~ The documentary 'Cocaine Bandits' shows a horrible way how the drug war has shifted from Colombia to Mexico after Escobar's death. Authentic interviews with active gang members, drug lords, thugs, experts from the FBI, the DEA and the police, as well as writers, reporters and undercover agents try to bring to the audience the brutal and unscrupulous drug world closer.
Taal keuzemenu
- Engels gesproken
- Engels gesproken - Duits ondertiteld
Product Details:
- Format: DVD - Language: German, English - Playing Time: 90 minutes - Released: 2010 (German) - Rated: 18