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Hemp Hand Care

Hemp Handcare, beauty for hands and nails!

Well-kept hands are the calling card of every man or woman and moreover are seen as a reflection of your personality. A look at the hands can often give more of a clue as to someone's age then a look at the face. So reason enough to use good handcare products.


Daily enrichment with hemp oil

Because hemp is a valuable addition to beautycare products, care products for hands and nails have been enriched with this potent active oil. Hand creams and soap made with hemp oil make sure the skin keeps its elasticity and its moisture level remains stable. Furthermore hemp products have the property of restoring and renewing skincells.


Hemp heals cracks and softens rough hands

Due to our hands having to endure a lot during the day the skin can become dry and even become damaged. This leads to the hands becoming very rough and painful cracks appear. The thin skin on the hands is extra sensitive to harmful outside influences which means wrinkles will be visible quite quickly. By taking care of your hands daily with products made with hemp you will keep the skin supple and young.


Tips for silky smooth hands

To keep the hands smooth and soft it is important not to use any aggressive soap that dries out the skin. Handsoap made with hemp oil has an ideal pH-value which means that not only is the skin cleansed but also maintained at the right balance.

It is also further recommendable to daily rub the tender skin of the hands with a nourishing hand cream which restores the skins elasticity and maintains its moisture level. Results will show quite quickly after applying a hand cream. Fine lines will fade and the hands will feel silky smooth.


Hand scrubbing

To remove dead skin cells and light colourations like nicotine stains, you can scrub your hands every now and again. You can use a mixture of sea salt and citron that you massage on the skin with gentle circular motions. After scrubbing always use a nourishing and hydrating hand cream


Hemp gloves treatment

For an extra strong treatment you can also try a nocturnal glove treatment. This is very easy to do by smearing on an extra thick layer of hemp hand cream right before going to sleep and then putting on cotton gloves. The next morning you can rinse off the cream after which you will find your hands are extra soft and supple.

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